Friday Opera

 Though my day was not as yet over, I sat in a cozy airy corner in Bryant Park surrounded by greenery and the relaxing and creative sounds of Opera and I thought, "It's the behind the scenes moments for me. These behind the scenes special moments are one part of what makes the journey more miraculous, so dynamic, and just supernaturally empowering that how could one ever even think of quitting?!

I sat legs crossed, posed with indignity for this trip around a dream coming true was rooted in sheer faith, grounded in true belief that this writer, self published author, producer, content creator, woman of God, and so much more than meet the eyes without a doubt is standing on every promise that God has for her. Not only am I standing on it but I got my foot on it and daily I am intentionally taking land, my promise land, the inheritance just for me and my family. It's a pursuit like none other and not for the faint of heart.

A smooth wind flows in...

The live sounds and people gathered mixed in with the signs, miracles and wonders that were presented to me today created a cup of fullness that is always full and overflowing and each day as I am granted another day in the land of the living, I give thanks to God. Thanks for being a better me through Him! 

that if only one person I am able to share the good news with within my day and tell them about the King of Kings indeed that day is a blessed day and a win for the Kingdom of God... 

Friday Opera...

Friday Opera...

Friday Opera...

Signed SJ The New Literary It Girl

Special Note: This was jotted in real time literally sitting in Bryant Park, and as I sat listening to live Opera, I too was able to share the good news of God and encourage someone! Always keep your cup full for you never know when you have to pour into someone else and full theirs's up!


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