Press Until Something Happens

Just like that, from a decline I thought, to my writing portfolio being expanded and yes I'm totally proud of myself. Who would have thought, all from a blog post that as of today you guys I am now the Creator & Producer to a new Scripted TV Series Podcast titled "Confessions Of A Woman Of God" pretty decent viewership numbers and reviews. Not bad for less than a week right? The show is currently streaming on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Breaker, Anchor, Overcasts, and Pocket Casts, and I'm quite sure I'm missing one. I'm just awaiting (Apple) Itunes and Tidal now. 

One would say I totally have my hands full and I agree, full of blessings. Bet you didn't see that response coming. So, I'm truly thrilled and not because I have been contacted in talks of turning this podcast into an actual TV Series but because I followed through to direct instruction by God and got it done. There I was in the basement recording live with my fav robe over my head so I could get the sound just right. Utilizing what I already had and completed an amazing trailer and first episode which are both up now.

I write, that's one of my sure gifts indeed and with writing comes a range of ways through various options to get your work noticed. Yet, I'm still kinda in a bit of awe that I actually have a scripted tv series that is live on Spotify. Wow, truly amazing. I was so happy, I even did a cute Instagram video with some great classic opera music in the background this evening, my face was just a glowing. Who knew in the first month of 2019 I would become a producer of a new scripted tv series podcast that would be streaming on 8 platforms. 

I'm like so telling you guys now, this is the year I become a New York Times Best Selling Author but this is also the season that brings an instant shift through my works of writing. I've experienced too much and sacrificed even more, my imagination along with true-life storytelling and anointing from God says I can't lose. This lane I'm in is needed for balance, it's needed for awareness, stability, inspiration, love, light and just because it's good to do right.

PAUSE............PAUSE............. It's the next day and also happens to be my mother's birthday 1/25. It's something about her bday that something amazing takes place. An elevation, a set up to step up is offered. Last year it came in the form of a notable individual and let's say an investment gesture in the monetary form of $30k plus along with materials, wisdom, and knowledge too. This year I awoke to an email from Apple notifying me that my Scripted TV Series is now available on all apple from Apple CarPlay to its Ipad all through Itunes. Upon reading the final instructions saying: Siri, play the podcast Confessions Of A Woman Of God Scripted TV Series Podcast. Big deal I say and pretty dope might I add.


Yup, that's exactly what took place. I jump off the bed so quick I didn't even know it, my nephew must have been startled because when my feet hit the ground it was going down. He yelled, "Aunt Shay you ok?" I quickly replied without missing a step "Yes, I'm good." And continued right on for roughly about 15 minutes and during that time I saw it all. From the blog post to scripted tv podcast to a new scripted tv show and on a major exclusive tv network and exclusive deal. Major like HBO, Netflix, OWN TV, BET, ASPIRE, BET HER just too name a few. Major TV Network is what I saw and what I knew was coming and would be coming very very soon.

In the meantime, I needed an exclusive streaming deal with a major streaming company to sign me to a 6 to 7 figure deal. I'm not sure if that was too much but I was bringing value to their existing standings. The value in the form of quality and a fresh turnaround in the form of a Godly scripted relatable tv series show with a black woman as the main focal point whose main focal point was God.

It's Sunday, and tomorrow was a new episode. That now had a bit more meat too it with its Facebook page, Instagram business page, new email  Youtube Channel and soon to be a new functional website. Then a follow-up marketing campaign strategy with a no resist momentum and palate that one couldn't resist.

It's exactly 1:25am, my mothers birthday. Isn't that something. With that being said guys, I'm going to get me some refreshing through this wonderful must-have we call sleep because today was a productive, profitable, prosperous, blessed-filled day indeed. And, I am the holder in the starring role positioned to receive it all.

Signed SJ The New Literary It Girl

P.S. Press Until Something Happens


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